Good Jokes Short Ones Funny Ones

Dirty Jokes

Dingy Jokes

These dirty, raunchy jokes are not suitable for children - mature audiences only!

Pick Up Lines

Pick Upwardly Lines

This is the biggest collection of pick up lines on the web! Over 70 unlike categories of hilarious pick up lines!

Celebrity Jokes

Celebrity Jokes

This section includes jokes about Justin Bieber, Jay-Z, Miley Cyrus and more than!

Knock-Knock Jokes

Knock-Knock Jokes

"Knock Knock! Who's There?" These classic jokes are suitable for all ages!

Harry Potter Jokes

Harry Potter Jokes

Exist the funniest pupil at Hogwarts with these amusing Harry Potter-themed jokes!

Jokes About Men

Jokes Almost Men

If you lot've always been frustrated past a man, you'll be able to relate to these jokes!

Jokes About Women

Jokes Nigh Women

Women can be difficult to sympathise sometimes... here are some jokes about the fairer gender.

Computer Nerd Jokes

Computer Nerd Jokes

For all the tech-savy geeks out at that place, here are some computer and programming-related jokes!

Math Jokes

Math Jokes

Telling these jokes in Math course will result in some big laughs!

Biology Jokes

Biology Jokes

If Biological science is your specialty, then yous'll certainly appreciate these jokes.

Physics Jokes

Physics Jokes

Here are some Physics jokes that will take you rolling on the floor, laughing your butt off!

Blonde Jokes

Blonde Jokes

This archetype joke genre plays on the stereotype that blondes aren't the 'sharpest tools in the shed'.

Game of Thrones Jokes

Game of Thrones Jokes

Are you a fan of the Game of Thrones series? If and so, you'll definitely bask these jokes!

Disney Jokes

Disney Jokes

Mickey, Minnie, Donald and Goofy, they're all hither! These jokes are about all the popular Disney characters.

Shoe Jokes

Shoe Jokes

These Shoe jokes will knock you off your feet!

Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes

Dad Jokes are the corniest things you lot'll ever hear!

Video Game Jokes

Video Game Jokes

Video Game jokes about Super Mario Bros., Telephone call of Duty, Mega Man and more!

Twilight Jokes

Twilight Jokes

Jacob, Edward and Bella are the butt of these Twilight-themed jokes!

Doctor Who Jokes

Doctor Who Jokes

These jokes are aimed at fans of the Doctor Who television series!

Batman Jokes

Batman Jokes

Batman fans rejoice! Here are some funny jokes for you!

Superman Jokes

Superman Jokes

These jokes are aimed at fans of the most famous man in tights!

Nerdy Jokes

Nerdy Jokes

These hilarious jokes are aimed at Nerds and Geeks!

Lawyer Jokes

Lawyer Jokes

Ever been frustrated by the deportment of your lawyer? Take a expect at these jokes.

Hockey Jokes

Hockey Jokes

If yous're a fan of the NHL, yous demand to cheque out these hockey jokes!

Golf Jokes

Golf Jokes

Do you bask playing golf game? Endeavour out these jokes the next time you're on the greenish.

Basketball Jokes

Basketball Jokes

If you lot're a fan of the NBA, you need to cheque out these basketball jokes!

Football Jokes

Football Jokes

Football fans unite! Here are some NFL-themed jokes simply for yous!

Soccer Jokes

Soccer Jokes

Soccer fans volition appreciate the sense of humor found on this folio!

Sports Jokes

Sports Jokes

All kinds of sports jokes are covered in this category!

Yoga Jokes

Yoga Jokes

Namaste! If you're a yoga practitioner you lot'll be able to relate to these jokes.

Star Wars Jokes

Star Wars Jokes

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far abroad... here are some Star Wars themed jokes.

Fishing Jokes

Fishing Jokes

If you know people who are crazy about angling, tell them some of these jokes!

Redneck Jokes

Redneck Jokes

If yous can chronicle to these jokes... you might exist a redneck!

Car Jokes

Car Jokes

These are for the car-lovers out in that location! Ford, Chevy, Kia, BMW... we've got 'em all covered!

Birthday Jokes

Birthday Jokes

Celebrate your day of birth with these hilarious jokes!

Pokemon Jokes

Pokemon Jokes

Some shockingly hysterical jokes related to the Pokemon franchise

Christian Jokes

Christian Jokes

Try telling these jokes the next fourth dimension y'all're at church building - they're sure to get a laugh!

Atheist Jokes

Atheist Jokes

You lot may not believe in God, but you'll certainly believe in the hilarity of these jokes!

Catholic Jokes

Catholic Jokes

Catholics all over the world will exist able to relate to these jokes!

Swimming Jokes

Swimming Jokes

Swoop into the deep end with these hilarious swimming jokes!

Vegan Jokes

Vegan Jokes

You lot may not eat meat, but you'll certainly eat upward these jokes!

Christmas Jokes

Christmas Jokes

Get in the Christmas spirit with these festive jokes and i-liners.

Easter Jokes

Easter Jokes

Have a hoppin' good time telling these Easter jokes to your friends and colleagues.

Halloween Jokes

Halloween Jokes

Don't be afraid, these halloween jokes are actually quite funny!

Thanksgiving Jokes

Thanksgiving Jokes

Enjoy these turkey-related jokes while eating your Thanksgiving dinner.

Coffee Jokes

Coffee Jokes

Liven up your morn with some hilarious Coffee jokes!

Chocolate Jokes

Chocolate Jokes

Savour these chocolate-related jokes - a tribute to our favorite candy!

Bear Jokes

Comport Jokes

Funny jokes nigh Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears and more!

Color Jokes

Color Jokes

These Jokes are virtually all the colors of the rainbow!

Ninja Jokes

Ninja Jokes

Pow! These Ninja Jokes volition sneak up on your funnybone!

Anime Jokes

Anime Jokes

If you're an Anime fan, yous MUST read these jokes!

Ocean Jokes

Ocean Jokes

Jokes direct from the Body of water, dealing with Fish and Sealife!

Pilot Jokes

Pilot Jokes

These jokes about pilots will take you lot laughing hysterically!

Money Jokes

Money Jokes

You tin take these money jokes straight to the bank!

Hat Jokes

Lid Jokes

Hither are some Hat jokes, directly off the summit of our heads!

Turtle Jokes

Turtle Jokes

Here are some of our favorite jokes almost Turtles!

Food Jokes

Food Jokes

Gustation the humor in these deliciously hilarious nutrient-themed jokes!

Pizza Jokes

Pizza Jokes

Jokes most Everyone'south favorite nutrient - pizza!

Animal Jokes

Animal Jokes

Here are some low-cal-hearted jokes that are related to animals.

Police Jokes

Police Jokes

These are some jokes related to police officers!

Bowling Jokes

Bowling Jokes

Have your friends rolling with these bowling jokes!

Dog Jokes

Dog Jokes

These are for the dog-lovers out there!

Cat Jokes

Cat Jokes

If you own a true cat, these jokes a purrr-fect for you!

Pregnancy Jokes

Pregnancy Jokes

If you are experiencing pregnancy, you will love these jokes!

Economic Jokes

Economic Jokes

The economic system is in shambles, but at to the lowest degree we tin laugh nigh it!

Yo Mama Jokes Galore

Yo Mama Jokes

We've dedicated an entire website to joking about people's mothers! Click the link in a higher place to meet our folio with 18 dissimilar categories of Yo Momma Jokes.


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